
My philosophy is to look at the individual.
I believe a successful golf swing is a natural one.
30 mins  £ 30
1 Hour £ 50
9 Hole Playing Lesson £ 65
1 Hour Video Lesson £ 55
5 x 30 min Lessons £ 135
5 x 1 Hour Lessons £ 230

My philosophy is to look at the individual in a golf lesson and assess the whole of their game, not just swing mechanics. I will not tear apart their swing in order to achieve the perfect ‘text book’ look. I believe a successful golf swing is a natural one. A glance at a professional tournament will tell you individual golf swings vary according to height, build, strength, etc. I will identify any weaknesses, whether it is in their setup, swing, short game, putting or psychological. To help them progress and achieve good consistency, better scores and to enjoy their golf more.

Most of our golf lessons are conducted on a grass practice area offering a realistic golfing environment. I have a short game practice area and actual putting green surfaces providing true feedback. I have video instruction available where the pupil can instantly see the benefit of elimination of major faults.

Through exercises and drills, an aggressive programme will be tailored to get the player achieving the scores and results that they are capable of by eliminating the critical faults within their natural golf swing.

With beginners, I teach a sound setup routine, introducing the correct swing fundamentals, and encourage the pupil to experiment with different clubs-not just sticking to a seven iron, but trying woods at an early stage will eliminate any fear that can appear if one club practice is adopted. All this combines to make a more all-rounded player from the early stages.

Having established a certain level of proficiency, we move on to pitching, chipping, bunker play and putting. As with all tuition, I strongly encourage all pupils to play and practice as much as possible. This builds confidence, which is a considerable part of this challenging sport.

I will also offer guidance on etiquette and the rules of golf.